Light up that fire!

Image via Unsplash by Joshua Newton

Image via Unsplash by Joshua Newton

Hello, hello! I hope you’re staying positive in the middle of all the craziness that is happening in our world (specifically our country) right now. The heat of the elections and the constant news updates on the spike of the Coronavirus can be adding much stress to so many already stressful lives. (Please don’t forget to take deep breaths and perhaps turn off the news here and there!)

Today I’m going to bring in a little more fire into your life as if these events aren’t fiery enough! 

AGNI is one of the most talked topics in Ayurveda. It’s a sanskrit word that means “the transforming will or force”. It’s our biological fire and the key to good health. It’s responsible for our metabolism, longevity, intelligence, understanding, perception and many other functions. It is not only responsible for absorbing nutrients in food but also destroying pathogens. So it not only maintains tissue nutrition but it also protects the flora in the stomach and the small and large intestines.

When AGNI is normal, there is good digestion, no flatulence or sluggish feelings after eating. Your circulation is good, there is a pleasant breath and body odor, and a nice skin complexion. Now when AGNI is impaired not only our metabolism is affected but our entire immune system. That’s right! All dis-eases stem from this “little fire”. Doesn’t sound real, does it? Let me share a few more details so you get a clear picture:

  • In the digestive process, first you eat your meal (I hope to have inspired you to eat fresh, seasonal food in my previous posts!)

  • Then your digestive fire breaks it down and absorbs the nutrients you need

  • Whatever is unabsorbed goes down the waste tube!

  • The result is a happy, healthy human being

Now if your fire is low (or even too high), the second step doesn’t happen properly. And what happens is that the unabsorbed food turns into toxins. These toxins are called AMA. This sticky material clogs the intestines and other channels such as capillaries and blood vessels. So basically toxins are now trapped in your body and they are going to find a weak spot to rest on. They will then create stagnation and weakness in that area (more specifically, that organ) and reduce the immune mechanism of the respective tissues. Does not sound fun, does it? That's how diseases start in your body. If left unchecked, it can escalate to a much bigger problem.

So how can you make sure your AGNI stays on check?

  • Try to not overeat (either eating too much at one sitting, snacking when you're not hungry or eating before your previous meal is digested)

  • Avoid cold drinks (iced) - that damps your fire

  • Don't eat too late at night

  • Avoid incompatible foods (I just had a live on Instagram on this topic)

  • Don't repress your emotions (after all we need to digest those too)

  • Drink ginger tea to strengthen your fire. Ginger is magical!

  • Cook with ghee (that's clean burning fuel for your fire)

  • Train your agni and enzymes by eating the same times every day, at regular intervals

These are just some simple tips to increase or regulate your digestion. If you have specific issues, it's always good to check with your practitioner.

As always, I'm here if you have any questions!



Lad, Vasant. The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998. Print. 41.


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Do your foods go well together?