Conscious conception is the most beautiful thing you can do for you and your family. Creating awareness of your mental and physical state before you conceive can bring immense benefits to you and your baby.

In Ayurveda we believe that preparing your body and mind for a pregnancy is the best way to make sure your baby will be as healthy as he/she can be. The ancient texts confirm that the baby is “designed” at the moment of conception, so your health and the health of your partner highly affect the health of your future baby.

In our consultation I access where you and your partner are in life and take notes of any discomforts you may have.I guide you and your partner through a 7-day cleanse and rejuvenation of your system so you feel energized and open to receive this beautiful gift.

Conscious conception cleanse and rejuvenation - couple: $375 (includes consultation and help via text message or email throughout the whole period)


Pregnancy is such a beautiful and special time of life! Often times in modern life, the unknown aspect of it becomes stressful for many women, especially if this is your first pregnancy.

Ayurveda has such an intuitive and holistic plan for mothers to be.

As your counselor I guide you through each trimester, accommodating all the changes that are happening to your body and mind, making sure all of your needs and your baby needs are met.

A dietary and herbal program is created and I make myself available to answer any questions you may have so your journey is as joyful as possible.

Mama-to-be initial consultation: $180

When we first meet, I will access how you are feeling, I will ask you about your health history and any details I need to be mindful of.

After that I create a custom meal plan tailored to the trimester that you are in, suggesting supporting herbs, breathing exercises and anything that can be helpful to you.

Mama-to-be Package: $500

This lovely package includes:

• Initial consultation

• 2 follow ups (one for each of the remaining trimesters)

• Full guidance via text message/email

• Access to wonderful recipes and instructional material to keep mama healthy & happy!

Pregnancy Abhyanga (massage): $120

Abhyanga is a body massage done with specific herb-infused-oils tailored to your constitution and/or condition. Abhyanga brings deep relaxation, aids joint health, nourishes the tissues of the body as well as the skin.

In pregnancy, this massage is done very gently and is highly recommended to soothe the mama’s nervous system. It is so relaxing and luxurious!

Unfortunately, abhyanga is not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy.