The Sacred Window

Postpartum support, the Ayurvedic way

Initiating motherhood is such a beautiful and challenging task. Often times we spend a lot of time planning a pregnancy, a birth, a baby’s room and more. What we do forget to plan is how we can be supported physically, mentally and spiritually during the recovery time of postpartum.

Back in the days when most people lived close to their immediate family, women received a lot more help, especially from other women in the family. Nowadays, with busy schedules and distant family members help is not always available.

42 days for 42 years

In Ayurveda, the crucial postpartum period, or the sacred window, is said to last about 42 days.

It takes about 35 to 40 days for us to be able to nourish all of 7 tissues in our bodies. Considering our digestion slows down during this time, it’s safe to say that it takes about 42 days so we can re-nourish and start rebalancing ourselves.

Many issues that modern mothers suffer today stem from not having adequate care after giving birth. Not caring for yourself during this time can create chronic conditions that will last a lifetime.

“Mothering the Mother”

What does postpartum care really mean? What is the role of an Ayurdoula?

Ayurvedic postpartum care offers nourishment, nurturance, physical and emotional support to help the new mama to restore her energy and recover from the huge job that is pregnancy and birth.

As an ayurdoula, I will help you and your baby (babies) settle into your new life together. I use ancient knowledge and skills to rejuvenate your body and mind.

I will help with bathing, diapering, umbilical cord care and soothing your little one; any light housekeeping you may need help with; warm oil massage; and very importantly: nutrition.

“Thais was the beacon of light in my early days of motherhood, guiding me through the challenges with compassion, understanding, and practical support.”

C. O’toole

These are some reported outcomes mothers experience with postpartum assistance:

Enhanced emotional well-being: Having someone to talk to and share their experiences with can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Improved physical recovery: Whether it's help with household chores, meal preparation, or caring for the newborn, mothers can focus more on resting and recuperating.

More confidence in parenting: With guidance and support, mothers gain confidence in their parenting abilities. Learning effective techniques for soothing, feeding, and caring for their newborn helps alleviate anxiety and boosts self-assurance.

Deeper bonding with baby: Postpartum support enables mothers to prioritize bonding with their newborns. With assistance in everyday tasks like cooking, caring for siblings (in some cases) or tidying up a home, mothers can devote quality time to nurturing their baby.

Reduced stress and anxiety: Having assistance helps alleviate the burden of managing household responsibilities while adjusting to parenthood.

Encouragement for self-care: Mothers often neglect their own well-being while focusing on their newborn's needs. Postpartum help encourages self-care practices, such as proper nutrition, adequate rest, and engaging in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

Building a strong support network is so crucial for maternal well-being.

Recover from one of the hardest jobs your body has ever endured with love and support.

When we work together, we first have a free online call so we can go over my process as an ayurdoula, general postpartum education, preferences and needs. From there we can discuss what would be best for you and your family.

Initial consultation online: free

Hourly service (4 hour minimum): $70/hr

Abhyanga massage: $150+ (depending on location and commute)

Vaginal steaming: additional $30

* Available as house calls or visits ar Flor da Vida Wellness

Some of the services provided in home visits:

• Fresh Ayurvedic meal preparation for the new mother (for meal delivery instead, please contact me via email for a sample menu and pricing)

• Meal lessons and recipes

• Light housekeeping

• Running errands

• Infant soothing

• Help caring for other siblings

• Breastfeeding support

• Baby and mother massage instruction

• Custom tea and oil blend

• Sitz baths preparation

• Vaginal steam preparation

• Belly binding

• Complete non-judgmental emotional support