Abhyanga (Ayurvedic bodywork)

75 MINUTES $150 (includes A FOOT SOAK AND SCALP MASSAGE) - Add 20 minutes of sWedana (sauna from the shoulders down) for an additional $30

Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic term for lovingly oiling the body. The word “sneha” translates to “oil” and “love”, therefore, snehana “to oil oneself” is also an incredible way express love to yourself and connect with your body.

Abhyanga is a body massage done with specific herb-infused-oils tailored to your dosha and/or condition. Abhyanga brings deep relaxation, aids joint health, nourishes the tissues of the body as well as the skin. Abhyanga is considered one of the main keys to maintaining good health and well-being. It’s a true luxury!

Benefits of abhyanga:

• It helps release toxins

• It promotes circulation so your body can bring nutrients and oxygen to your cells

• It improves digestion and sleep

• It energizes your body and mind

• It postpones effects of aging, bringing nutrients to muscles

• It nourishes your body.

• It promotes skin and hair health by stimulating skin and hair follicles

• It encourages lymph drainage

• It calms the nervous system, reducing stress

• It releases endorphins, dopamine, and seratonin to encourage feelings of happiness.

Swedana means sweating. In this treatment, the patient sits inside a portable sauna in which the steam is infused with particular herbs. The sauna box only covers his/her body from the shoulders down.

Through sweat, not only toxins are released but the blood flow is also increased. Swedana also improves the loss of fatty tissue, it helps in the relief of muscle pain and stress. It’s a wonderful complement to an abhyanga.

Ayurvedic facial

A gentle facial treatment that provides a soothing and grounding effect.

An ayurvedic facial helps improve skin’s complexity and glow. It’s a lovely, nourishing and replenishing treatment that is customized for your skin type using all natural products.