Becoming a mother is a big change in a woman’s life and often underlooked. During pregnancy a woman’s body opens to receive and develop a little soul(s) inside of her. This openness is not only physical but also spiritual.

After the baby is born, the mother’s body requires a “sealing” process of that which is now so raw and vulnerable. It’s also a way to continue honoring the woman who made the birth possible. This is such an important step for healing!

Inspired by ancient traditions I offer a full ceremony which includes a ritual bath, a full-body oil massage, tuck-in ceremony, warming of the womb and belly-wrapping. It feels very luxurious but it should be our birth right!

This is a great baby shower gift for all mamas-to-be!

*If you need a shorter version of the ceremony that isn’t shown on the booking menu, email me at so we can arrange it.