Ayurvedic Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is around the corner and the holiday spirits are starting to sprout everywhere. I love this time of the year and I look forward to spending quality time with family and friends.

Aside from the lovely time spent together we also know what usually happens on that day: we overeat and usually don’t feel so good after, am I right?

I am here to share a few tips that I gathered to help your digestion during the big feast:

  • The rule number one in Ayurveda is to only eat when you’re hungry. That may go out the window during Thanksgiving, but try to at least allow time between your meals (or your repeats) to give your body a chance to digest what you ate.

  • Sip warm water (just a little) during your meal. That will also aid digestion. If you prefer a little bit of flavor you can make it a fennel tea instead. But remember, it’s just a little. Ideally your meal takes up 1/3 of your stomach, your liquid 1/3, and air takes up the last 1/3 - meaning we don’t fill up our stomachs to the brim!

  • If you feel heavy or if you feel you didn’t digest the food you ate very well, drink a cup of CCF tea about an hour after your meal (recipe at the end) or chew on a few fennel seeds right after your meal.

  • Avoid taking naps after eating. Instead take a short walk. That will help move your food.

  • If you eat animal protein, try to do so in the earlier part of the day when digestion is stronger. If you repeat your meal at night, stick with the vegetable sides, maybe some rice or another grain.

  • Make good use of digestive spices: cumin, coriander, fennel, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, black pepper. They are all lovely to kindle your digestive fire.

  • If you must consume alcohol, remember to keep yourself hydrated with some room temperature or warm water.

Most important than all, remember to turn off from daily stress and enjoy your time!


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