Back to basics

Photo by Christopher Sardegna

Photo by Christopher Sardegna

I hope you’re enjoying the last bits of summer as I am (if you’re in the northern hemisphere). I feel that with the pandemic, Summer has literally been a breeze that came for two seconds and now it’s almost gone! I love Summer so much that I dread the end of it every year!

Today I want to start a series where I share the very basics to maintaining good health in the lens of Ayurveda. We’ll be transitioning to Fall very soon over here and building a strong immune system will be key to ward off any unwanted imbalances.

This is a long subject and I decided to split it into four posts so it doesn’t become too overwhelming. I’m a big fan of small changes at a time for longer term commitment, so implementing them slowly will most likely have a better effect. 

The 4 Pillars of Health

One of my dear teachers adapted some of the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda and created a program called 4P (4 Pillars) that I find extremely helpful when trying to keep my life in balance. These pillars are: Diet, Sleep, Exercise and Quietness. 

Having the knowledge of what each of these activities mean and do to your body can help you pinpoint what exactly may be going on when you feel a little off. My intention is to help you understand a little bit about each subject and give you ideas of how to put it into action.


I will start with the pillar of quietness. Although not the first thing in a lot of people's mind, I find it to be the most important one, especially considering the state of our world.

The definition of quietness in the dictionary is: Free of turmoil and agitation; calm. Providing or allowing relaxation; restful; soothing.

Quietness when it comes to health simply means taking some time in your day where you “stay with only yourself”. You scan your body, you take deeper breaths, you notice what is going on in your life, you do whatever suits you to tap into your core being. You take a break from all that is creating busy-ness in your daily routine and you find that connection with your inner self.

I know it’s easier said than done and you’re probably wondering where to begin. Let’s begin remembering that our natural state is SILENCE. All of us are silence in essence. We just add too many layers to it. So, how can we find silence?

You can start setting aside 5 minutes of your day to the practice of silence. As with anything, the more you practice, the better you become. You will find your own ways of enjoying it and it’ll be extremely rewarding in terms of how you will feel.

  • If you’re new to meditation, you can download guided meditations for example. I love the ones from the Chopra Center, especially this one.

  • If the noise of someone speaking disturbs you, try focusing on your breath. Start by counting how many seconds you’re inhaling and exhaling. You can try the same amount of time in both ways to begin with.

  • You can also meditate or find quietude when taking a walk or even during a nice shower. Being present and mindful is all what you’re looking for.

There are no rules! You create the routine you need to find inner peace. Just remember to be easy on yourself without judgment. Sometimes you’ll find it really easy and sometimes you won’t be able to focus at all. That is absolutely ok. This is a journey and some days are better than others. The most important thing is to stay consistent and to not give up.

At the end of the day, you may eat the best food in the world, exercise daily, and sleep ok, but if your mind is unsettled, foggy and even holding on to feelings, you may never experience health at its best. There is no better time to start than now!



How deep is your zzzzzz.....?


My story with cervical dysplasia and how I got into Ayurveda